Saturday, June 30, 2007

Cell Phone Revolution

I want to talk about something that has the potential to be very revolutionary in the Cell Phone Market.

It's definitely an exclusive product; one that I am anxious to see how it does.

Believe it or not...I'm not talking about an iPhone.

Click here to read about it.

To me, this is innovation.

Think about will no longer have to juggle 2 phone lines (home and cell) - you can now have one-phone-fits-all.  And when you're at home, you don't have to pay anything to talk all you want (save the $10 monthly fee).  The system is even designed to be rigged - if you start all of your phone calls at home or a WiFi will use zero minutes for the month!  If you make a conscious effort to do might actually be able to cut your cell phone plan!

I am somewhat bothered that the article above doesn't talk about incoming calls; however, I imagine they operate the same way as outgoing...if you start with GSM, Cell minutes are used; starting under WiFi means you get free VoIP minutes.  However, that's just speculation on my behalf.

I'm not saying this is a perfect product for everybody; some people (like myself) hardly use up all of the minutes we have available, making the extra monthly fee hard to justify...

On the other hand, there are some people that complain that their home is the only bad spot for their cell phone.  This would be a godsend to them...especially if they can afford to get rid of their home landline.

So...will this product take the cell and landline market by storm? Or will it just be a niche player?  I think it has the possibility to go mainstream (especially if T-Mobile can get more phones on board).  It will definitely be an interesting space to watch.

Disagree with me? Think I'm missing something big? Leave a message in the comments.


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